American Pancake: Kenny Sharp's crushing croon comforts on "Renege"
By Kenny Sharp

(This content was originally posted on American Pancake.)
Kenny Sharp's crushing croon comforts on "Renege"
Comfort and nostalgia can be an incredibly powerful thing. I say that because while I get amped up when a super divergent piece of music comes across my electronic desk, having that mindset can (only) can make you miss artistic comfort and awe. As with all kinds of music and especially roots music whether it is blues, classic rock, punk and classic jazz their are motifs, even progs and bits of melodies that are sung by many in different ways that can feel similar because they are foundational to the genre.
On "Renege", a blistering, potent yet sleepy (at the same time) acoustic framed rocker, singer songwriter Kenny Sharp's croon is what shapes the beauty and, yes, awes here. The song penned by Kenny is a crushing of 50's doo wop, 40's porch blues filtered through more contemporary indie pop affections. The result is embracing, comforting in it's wide sweeping nostalgia and is, in the end, as powerfully beautiful as Kenny's wail.
Of the song he says:
"I remember my Uncle John abruptly asking me one day, if I’d had my heart broken yet. I’ll never forget when I said yes he just looked at me very sternly and said, “Good”.
I wrote this song to try and capture all the emotions of that first heartbreak and used Spades as a metaphor because I’d just learned to play around the time.
One of the first things you learn in Spades is to never Renege. It fascinated me how emotional ppl would get that when it would happen. When I looked up the definition, one of the ones I found seemed perfect for a song.
Renege: To go back on one’s word."
The Official Video for "Renege", as directed by Caleb Hargett, feels both slick and organic. Pour yourself your drink of choice and commiserate with Kenny.
-Robb Donker Curtius
Kenny Sharp is 28 year old singer-songwriter known for a soulful sound he calls Brown Liquor Music. Driven by powerful, raw delivery combined with poetic lyricism and storytelling, Kenny's passions reveal an old soul that belies the singers' fresh faced appearance. Formerly a rapper, Kenny gradually began shifting to singing over the past few years and has emerged with a sound all his own. While carefully selecting songs for his debut project, Kenny is currently splitting time between native Washington D.C. and work in Los Angeles as a songwriter under the Dr. Luke-owned Prescription Songs publishing company.